Moving Beyond Maslow’s View of D/s and M/s Relationships

Most religions and moral systems see one of the great human problems as selfishness. A common and unifying philosophy is that personal development is a transcendence from the self to a larger purpose. Around the middle of last century, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and others aimed to liberate and enlarge the self. This was the…

Finding a Path to Happiness in Kink

I bought a Kindle for my brother for Christmas and I’ve been collecting some ebooks up for him. He has a particular genre of book he likes to read. You might know what I mean if I mention authors like Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Rhonda Byrne and Stephen Covey. At the risk of grossly over-generalising,…

BDSM and the Pursuit of Happiness

Even though a recent Guardian article, Never tried BDSM? Go on, it’s good for you, points to studies that suggest that those of us expressing ourselves sexually may be happier than the average, there are a lot of people who are “under happy”. I’m using the term “under happy”, rather than “unhappy”, because I think…