Illustrated Guide – Neurochemicals

One of the great joys of the kink community is that everyone comes at things from a different angle. At a munch you might talk to someone who sees things in terms of energy and spirit, or someone who finds their joy in the sensate. One discussion you’re likely to come across is “the science…

How Visualisation Can Help You Find Subspace (or Topspace)

That feeling of being “Dommy” or “subby” (or more accurately Topspace, or subspace), doesn’t always come from diving right in. It’s nearly always a process of going deeper and deeper. Entering spaces can be similar to performing on stage. You’ve often read the script many times, and finally the time comes and the spotlight falls…

When Sadists Go Wild – Berserking and a Different Kind of Top Frenzy

Berserk: Injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of control Wiktionary Top frenzy (or Dom frenzy) usually describes that initial time of discovery of BDSM encounters, where the excitement of newly discovered pleasures leads to an “anywhere, anytime, anyone” mania. If you’re on any cruising site you’ll find plenty of it going around, along with…

Seeing Ourselves in the Mirror of subspace and Topspace

We try our best to understand subspace and topspace, but what are these spaces that we are talking about? Many people talk about them in terms of neurochemicals. The pain induced during a scene triggers the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in releasing epinephrine from adrenal glands, and the flushing of endorphins into the blood system….

Topspace – Go with the Flow

I’ve written before in general terms about relaxing into Topspace (or Domspace) and how it feels. Although that was written from a personal point of view, there is a scientific explanation. A lot has been written about subspace. Topspace is discussed much less. That might be because subspace is more “observable” than topspace, or it…