Illustrated Guide: Pentagram Rope Harness

We have a free download PDF of a full body harness that’s popular on our site, but it doesn’t restrict mobility, so it’s more for decorative purposes or as the basis for additions such as a hog tie or hand bind. The Pentagram (or Star) Harness Bondage Tie not only looks sexy… it can (but…

What Makes a Reality Real?

What is reality made out of? We all know that water is made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule, snapped perfectly together to form the shape of liquid under a certain gravitational force and atmospheric pressure. But what about our own reality? Is it so logical? Discussion about BDSM’s association with mental illness…

Piercing and Aftercare – Master got my Nipples Pierced!

A few weeks ago, Master had both of my nipples pierced by professional piercer. I’m still in the healing phase for that and I wanted to share some thoughts on the experience and its meaning to me. FINDING THE PIERCING HEADSPACE There’s always a background story to a piercing or tattoo. Some people get piercings…

A Peek Behind the Curtain: Polyamorous Relationships

Just a few days ago, I discover an insightful podcast discussing BDSM polyamorous relationships by No Safe Word — Ungagged Episode 13 – Flipbook Families i self identify as a kinkster, and if you’ve read other articles on this site you might have already gathered that i spend a lot of time thinking about human…

Illustrated Guides – Ponygirl Bit Gag

You can certainly get some nice versions of this from online fetish stores, but if you want to save some money or you just like to make things yourself, this is a project that doesn’t take much material or special skills. The ponygirl bit gag would look just as great on a ponyboy as it…

Chastity for Abstinence and Chastity for Sexual Charge

A few clicks around Google or Reddit and you’ll probably notice that the idea of locking a male penis has radiated out into even vanilla circles. The intention behind, and reasons for, chastity can be rather diverse. Your reasons may not be another person’s reasons, but you are nearly certainly not alone in your own…

Sexy Chastity Games for boys and their Keyholders

Some time ago we published Chastity – Sexy Games for Solo Players, but we get a lot of enquiries from keyholders for games they can play too. So, the two of you have found the right chastity cage and you’ve got the erections and wanking under control. You might be wondering, what next? Perhaps it’s…

Illustrated Guide: Boy Scout Knots

The Boy Scouts have always been the go-to resource for knot tying, though I’m sure they have innocent purposes in mind. You might not get a Knot Merit Badge for learning these, but you will find that they will see you through pretty much any rope bondage situation you might come up against. There are…

Illustrated Guide: Self Spanking

We’ve reblogged this illustration from Girlfriend and ExGirlfriend BDSM Gallery. They’ve got great taste in NSFW pics too. This is a regular series of illustrated guides. You can find the others here. I won’t go into the “why” of self spanking. There are many reasons it might be for you, and Thomas Salas’ article in…

Illustrated Guide: Two Column Ties

Shibari/Kinbaku/Rigger online groups can be a scary place to be when you’re starting out in rope bondage. Things get very complex, very fast, and you can add to that some Japanese terminology, disputes over the “best” way to do one tie or another and even opposing camps regarding what types of rope to use. If…