Self Bondage – Full Body Rope Harness

We’ve created a PDF with step-by-step instructions for a full body rope harness. It’s in our downloads in the sidebar, or download it here. You’ll need one rope, 8 or 9 meters (26′ to 30′) long. 6mm rope looks good on most people, but if you’re a bigger build, you might like the way 8mm…

Self Bondage – Some Words Before You Start

We’re going to run a series of articles on self bondage in the coming weeks, and before we do, I thought it would be wise to say a few words about risk and safety. I know, it’s not the sexiest of subjects, but please read on. This stuff is important, and even if you think…

The Freedom of Bondage

i believe there are some kinksters who may experience a sense of freedom living in chains and restraints. Although i do not have much experience in prolonged restraint, i can imagine how restraints, bondage and imprisonment could bring a sense of inner-freedom and inner-peace. That’s really what i wanted to write about today… bridging the…

What is Self-Harm?

Most resources will tell you that people who self-harm are seeking emotional relief by self-inflicting pain. Through the presence of pain sensations on your physical level, nerves send signals to the brain and take the mental energy or mental focus away from the intense emotional disturbance from mental issues that one is dealing with. The…