Chastity – A Practical Guide for the Long Distance Keyholder

In a good world we wouldn’t have geographical separation to cope with, but it is what it is and sometimes we have to incorporate distance as an element in what we do. I’m going to share the system of long-distance chastity that we use. I’m sure it’s not the only way, but it works for…

Choosing the Right Male Chastity Device

If you’re eyeing chastity devices, whether online or in stores, you’ll notice that they’re not cheap items. They don’t let you try them on in stores for hygiene purposes, and online you’re making judgements from images and words, so you’re faced with the dilemma of looking at devices and trying to imagine how they will…

Chastity – Spirituality, Devotion and Power Exchange

WHAT IS CHASTITY? It is simply a form of orgasm denial, with or without a chastity device, and with or without power exchange. Some may use a chastity device to enforce the process of orgasm denial, some may explore chastity simply by following orders to not touch the genitalia, or masturbate. As always, it’s a…