Keeping the Passion in BDSM Relationships

What we do in BDSM is linked to desire. We can call it servitude, or dominance, or sadism or masochism, or sceneing or sessions, or any of the other many words we use, but ultimately it never fails to come down to desire. We do it because it fulfils this deep need in us, and…

Brats, SAMs and Break-mes

Brats are possibly something of a misunderstood species. They get a bad rap by many in the community who immediately associate the role with “petulant child”. But is that really what a brat is? We’d call a child a brat if they’re misbehaving, but most submissives who identify as brats see it as a role…

Decisions in Your D/s Relationship – Head vs Heart

Decisions, decisions. Every day we make thousands of them, from the small stuff like “coffee or tea?” to the big stuff like career, finance, health and relationships. There’s a fantasy that some subs and slaves who are just starting out have, that they will meet a wise, intelligent and caring Dom who will make all…

The Work of Ownership: When Fantasy Meets Reality

Come here. Kneel down. Do as you’re told. Three simple commands. At first glance, they seem almost too simple, too easy, and too basic to have any meaning. Where is the strict command? Where is the humiliation? Where is the slapping around, smashing his face into the carpet, and verbally abusing the piss out of…

The Three Types of Commitment

In BDSM relationships, we often speak of commitment. What we usually mean by that is that we will do things, in a sustained manner, to benefit the relationship. It is often a commitment to a person (or “people” if you’re poly), but it could also be to a larger collective entity, such as a household…

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Relationship submissive

i grew up in a small town and i started my BDSM journey through the Internet. i was a kid with a submissive nature that i didn’t know how to deal with, and the internet opened up a doorway for me to explore my sexuality as a slave/sub. After a few months of navigating through…