Why is a Sadist?

I realised that we’ve used the term Sadist quite a lot on this site without ever really defining it. Even our Sadist’s Philosophy of Pain doesn’t really define the term. A sadist is a person who enjoys inflicting pain and/or humiliation on another, or observing others being hurt or humiliated, either for power and control…

The Difference Between Masochism and Self-Harm

THE MOTIVATION BEHIND MASOCHISM AND SELF-HARM We have briefly talked separately about masochism and self-harm, but where is the line drawn, and are they interchangeable? The core distinction between them is the intention, or motivation of the person looking for the pain. Masochists derive meaning from pain, be it sexual pleasure, spiritual satisfaction, physical thrill…

Different Types of Masochism – One Size Does Not Fit All

There are many different types and levels of masochism, and so often you’ll hear a conversation in the BDSM community where the two people are struggling to communicate because they are using the word in two different ways. As a term, diverse people with diverse intentions fall into the grouping. If you do a quick…

A Sadist’s Philosophy of Pain

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Kahlil Gibran Pain is an intense physical sensation. It has evolved as a warning – the body’s way of telling you that you are in danger or something is wrong. That burns, this is broken, that is cut: you’d better do something about…

Pain, Power and BDSM – It’s Not Just “Rough Sex”

BDSM has been officially mass-ified. Fifty Shades of Grey has spawned a bookshelf full of copies for under the sheets reading. You can probably find them in your local library. The BDSM community has been dragged into this commodification of the culture. What used to be whispered about is now discussed openly around the dining…