Are BDSM slaves Individuals, or Just Robots to Serve?

There is a general concept of BDSM slaves as someone who gives up their pride and identity, and focuses on their Master. The purpose of the slave, in this concept, is to serve. This is the type of slave referred to in the principles of Internal Enslavement.

But actually, in the BDSM community, there is a broad spectrum of different types of power exchange (TPE), and Internal Enslavement is quite rare. Masters and slaves negotiate their own level of power exchange, based on their own individual circumstances and desires.

This complexity is often misunderstood by those new to, or outside of, BDSM, and so it is common to hear questions like: If BDSM slaves subdue their preferences, identities, likes and dislikes to serve the needs and desires of the Master, to what extent does the slave becomes a serving robot?

Especially for some who value individuality and the uniqueness of identity, it is a dynamic that can be more complex than it first appears. On the one hand, a Master and slave may desire absolute power exchange, but at same time, desire a sense of individuality.


If a slave’s only focus is his Master, does the slave have individuality?

An analogy might be commercialism. If someone is coming from a commercial culture, where his driving purpose in life is to buy stuff, better stuff, luxury stuff, does he or she still have individuality? Yes, i think even if this person’s existence is strongly tied to commercialism, he can still show his individuality through the things that he buys, however, the drive is internal and to what extent it is external could be questioned.

Going back to the understanding of slavery and individuality, i think a lot of individuals who have a slave-nature in their heart feel the same. Their desire in life is nothing but to provide happiness to their Master. So, their individuality is interconnected with their Master. But again, a question arises. To what extent is this “individuality” that we are speaking of a true and genuine “individuality”?

i think our individuality is a mixture, and residue, of our background – the place we grew up, the first taste of a big beefy burger, or simply the first contact of hot wax – and the innate desire associated with it. Individuality is fluid, and it may often be (consciously or unconsciously) socially constructed. A complex network of many different things make up a person’s identity.

i think for some, with an innate inclination to slavery, we chose some things because we want to explore individuality in a different, arguably more meaningful, way.

It all boils down your preferences in life. you might like chocolate ice-cream. But do you really? you might want to buy a bag. but do you really like the bag?

Through BDSM and slavery, the sub and Dom develop a sense of shared-individuality that is intensely interconnected. It is certainly not a common approach to individuality. It might also be difficult to understand the beauty associated with it. But i’d argue that it’s an interesting way to achieve individuality.

I think when we ask the question “do BDSM slaves have individuality?”, we also have to ask the question “does anyone else have true and authentic individuality?”

Not just for BDSM slaves, but I think for everyone, individuality is built and accumulated through a process of negotiation with society.

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